Pink II: Cover Madness

I know we’re just dipping our toes into the world of Pink II, but it’s interesting to me how many of you have already mentioned in your comments that The Masque of the Black Tulip is your favorite cover from the series. I also had a few requests last month when we talked about covers for Pink I that I continue the tradition of posting the covers for all the various editions together.

Et voilà, the Pink II covers:

Black Tulip Hardcover Russian
 US original edition  US hardback edition  Russian edition
Portuguese British Paperback Dutch
 Portuguese edition  British edition  Dutch edition
Spanish German Japanese
 Spanish edition  German edition  Japanese edition


Which one is your favorite? I’m going to go out a limb and guess that nobody picks the Spanish one.  I don’t think it would be possible to find a girl who looks less like my mental picture of Henrietta…

24 thoughts on “Pink II: Cover Madness

  1. Ugh – definitely not the Spanish one. I like the concept of the German one, but its a little too Phantom-y in execution. My favorites are the US original and the British ones.

  2. I am partial to the US original edition because that’s what drew me to the series in the first place but I really like the British edition cover. I would have picked up that book too!

  3. I think the thing that drives me crazy about the US hardcover for this particular entry in the Pink series is that Hen is NOT the Black Tulip. For some reason, I really like the title banner and seal on the US original.

  4. I like the British cover… for some reason I haven’t been fond of the US original cover — can’t quite figure out what it is though — oh wait! I JUST got it. I think the cut of her dress is a little too low, just a smidge. If that were different then I think the US original would be my favorite – as it is I feel like it looks like her dress is falling off of her.

  5. But somewhere in the beginning Miles comments on being faced with an ample amount of bosom – I think he was referring to Theresa. Maybe that’s what the dress is supposed to represent. I do find however, that with illustrations and covers, very often it seems that the person selecting these has never read the book! My favorite is the US original.

  6. Love the original US edition but I also like the Dutch. It reminds me a little of Hen in the beginning reading her letter, even though the color of the couch is wrong.

  7. The British cover would be perfect for Mary Alsworthy as that’s about how I picture her. I also
    like the original American hardcover, though I agree it makes Henrietta look like the Black Tulip.

  8. Ashley, this is so neat! I had no idea that Russian cover of “Black Tulip” existed. (In the category of “the author knows last”….) I’ll have to add it to the collection on the website!

    For your amusement, there’s also a Japanese cover of “Black Tulip”:

  9. Pingback: Pink V Covers | The Bubble Bath Reader

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